

01 Aug

    [DE]SpaceySarah on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, you can watch anyone streaming Warframe to receive the Twitch Drops!

20 Jul

    [DE]SpaceySarah on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
After years of Baro alluding to his very exclusive parties, it seems you were deemed worthy to join him! If the Desert Skate Specter or Shoulder Plate isn’t exactly the party favour you were hoping for, perhaps you can obtain the Baro Void Signal each time Baro visits to follow him on this mission once again and discover different rewards...

05 Jun

    [DE]SpaceySarah on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello! So sorry to hear you are having an issue with your account - the best thing to do is contact our official Support desk here if this problem is still occurring:

25 May


By the Void, Tenno!

We now know early enough that Deadlock Protocol is not shipping on PC this week! We have mentioned on the past 2 Devstreams that June was our Delay Buffer - and we’ll indeed need to use that buffer! Of course, we wanted to inform you of this as soon as possible to best keep you updated on current behind-the-scenes protocols. There’s lots to look forward to - including a new Warframe Quest for Protea - so this extra time will be spent readying this new content for your masterful hands! 

Thank you for understanding - and thank you for your patience!

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17 Dec

    [DE]SpaceySarah on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We do know there are issues, and we will continue to fix them as fast as we can!

26 Aug

    [DE]SpaceySarah on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A refresh of Kubrows & Kavats is something that is definitely on our to-do list!

13 Aug

On 2019-08-08 at 11:34 AM, Magnus said:

I still can't organize my loadouts how I would like to, either a messy "default" or alphabetical only. I still need to delete older loadouts in order to arrange them how I see fit, rather than being able to click and drag them into new places and swap them around freely.

This new loadout screen amounts to just a coat of paint and doesn't address the issues of the functionality at all.

We have sent this feedback to our UI team. Thank you for your thoughts!

30 Jul

    [DE]SpaceySarah on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there! 2FA is a feature we added to provide an extra level of security to your account, help prevent unauthorized access, and ensure legitimacy while trading.

@arnulfo_torres If you do not yet have 2FA enabled, you should be able to safely switch your email at www.warframe.com. If you are still having issues, Support will get back to you as soon as they are able!

19 Jul


Thanks to everyone for all the feedback on this in the past year, and (although delayed!) we would like to take the time to address what is a slightly tricky topic. We understand the frustration of the current inability to better customize Excal Umbra’s fashion, and the inconsistency this Frame has faced in comparison to others. In the past, our rule of thumb has been to allow for Prime Frames to have toggle options for TennoGen as TennoGen artists do not have the Prime Models to work with. 


While fashionable, Umbra’s overrides take away from overall potential looks of this unique Frame when combined with other skins. We would like to provide the option to toggle Umbra Scarf and Crescents on/off - and here’s how we’re going to do it: on Skins, the Umbra details will now be off by default, and you will be able to toggle these on as you so choose. As Excalibur Umbra has not followed the “true” Prime Frame rules, this process has been a bit complex, but ...

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20 Jun

    [DE]SpaceySarah on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for all the feedback everyone - Wukong is a little trickier since people have had years to maximize Defy as it was, so some adapting will be necessary! Wukong's Celestial Twin (aka his Wuclone) foster more interactivity overall, but thanks for the replies so far.

13 Jun


Calling all Tenno and Wukong lovers!

Released in 2015, Wukong entered the Arsenal as an homage to Chinese folklore. Since his initial inception, we’ve undergone changes to Melee and beyond which have made this Warframe feel a bit left behind. As highlighted in our latest Devstream, exciting developments are in the works for Wukong - and we are not monkeying around. Read on to see how we plan on making all his abilities a bit more active and meaningful:

Statistic Changes

  • Health will be increased from 100 to 150 (at max rank increased from 300 to 450).
  • Shield will be decreased from 125 to 100 (at max rank decreased from 375 to 300).
    • Why? Since Wukong’s new kit now involves an armour buff, relying more on his health will enable a better synergy.
  • Energy will be increased from 100 to 120 (at max rank 150 to 180).
  • Sprint will be increa...
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06 Jun

    [DE]SpaceySarah on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There should not be a limit to the amount of slots that you can polarize. If you are having an issue with this on your account, please contact our official support here:

Happy playing!

31 May

On 2019-05-29 at 10:28 PM, Deluxe-Chimera said:

Nullifiers ended up being ok because at least they keep some distance from you and they are more like shields for their allies, but Vapor Nullifiers? god damn, these guys are CRAZY.

They don't even care about defending their allies, they are all about running towards the murder machine like a mad man to get some attention, memes aside, Vapor Nullifiers i think will be the most hated thing this year. (i just think...)

Hey! Thank you for your feedback. A lot of players were having similar thoughts on this, and because of this community feedback today's Hotfix will reduced the speed of Melee Nullifiers and shrink their Nullifying bubbles down! Hope this helps a bit!